Sunday, December 14, 2008

The furniture is in!  We are still missing a few pieces but the bed, chair, and shelves have been delivered.  

Monday, November 3, 2008

I took a couple of friends on a tour of Anna's Room today.  We were surprised by the progress.  The room had been painted, the floor was down, and the light fixtures were installed.

Friday, August 22, 2008

I went up to check out the progress on the room today and there were people in there working!  They had taken out the metal cabinets and rebuilt the wall around the sink area.  They have also painted everything white.  The big machine you see in the pictures seemed to be blowing the paint smell out the window.  It still smelled pretty bad so I didn't stay long!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Before Pictures

These are pictures of what the room looks like "before".  We are waiting for the fire marshall to give us the go ahead to proceed.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Anna's Room

Anna's Room is currently a work in progress.  It will be located on the 6th floor of the OU Children's Hospital in Oklahoma City.  It is named after Anna Jane Salamy, the daughter of Richard and Marlo Salamy, who passed away November 25, 2007 from cancer.  This room will be a way to remember Anna and help other families who are going through a medical crisis.  It is intended to be an extension of the Ronald McDonald Family Room and will provide a place for parents to rest while their child is in the hospital.  The funds for this room were provided by over 250 people from 31 different states plus Australia.  It was given by friends and family who followed Anna's story on her website  This site will follow the progress of the room so that the donors and other interested people can observe the work in progress.